<My C-Sharp Projects/>


This project consists of the game which many may be familiar with, Blackjack. The game rules are similar to the original, the only difference being the ace is always worth 11. The dealer will also be assigned a value between 17-25.

Since it is an over 18's game, I also designed and implemented a registration form which ensures the user is over the age of 18 and has agreed to the terms and conditions. If the user isn't over the age of 18 and/or has not agreed to the terms and conditions, they cannot play.

This project got me a distinction in college.

Car Database

In this project, I built a car database using C#. I designed and implemented both the database and the Graphical User Interface (GUI) While the back end is linked to an mySQL database.

The application enables users to easily navigate through specific records using the data controls located in the bottom left corner of the screen. Users have the ability to add, update, and delete records as needed. Additionally, I incorporated a help feature to assist users who may encounter difficulties while using the program.

This project earned me a distinction in college.